Campus, News

ASI explores increasing availability of condoms

Associated Students Inc. discussed making contraceptives, condoms and dental dams more available to students on campus at Wednesday’s Senate meeting.

ASI LGBTIQ+ Affairs cabinet member Greg Figueroa took to the podium to address student concerns over lack of contraceptives and confusion over the placement of all-gender restrooms.

Figueroa mentioned that he had been accepted to The Condom Collective, a non-profit organization that provides more condoms and contraceptives to college campuses across the country. The arrangement would allow Figueroa, and any other accepted members, to receive 500 condoms to distribute among students through tabling events or such endeavors.



[aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”60%” align=”right” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” caption=”The Condom Collective helps to give students access to free condoms. Places you can get free condoms on campus are some bathrooms in the USU and in the bathrooms at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

“[We’re] trying to get more condom dispensers on campus and have a bigger number of contraceptives available,” Figueroa said. “Student Health Services has them, but that’s not the best way because it’s something that’s taboo and some students are not comfortable with that.”

In response, Sen. Ryan Phong raised his hand immediately to comment on the partnership between The Condom Collective and Figueroa. 

“Is it possible for you to talk to your organization to see if they can provide condoms since Student Health Services is running out?” Phong asked.

Phong brought up at prior ASI Senate meetings that the contract that SHS currently has is coming to an end, and condoms would no longer be available for students unless another supplier was found. 

Figueroa commented that in addition to The Condom Collective, he has reached out to LA County Public Health and AIDS Healthcare Foundation to try and bring more resources for campus. However, he said the problem was the other organizations were not currently accepting applications for new initiatives.

Figueroa’s report also noted future plans to meet with the CSULB Queers and Allies organization to arrange a possible event to publicize the LGBT Students Resource Center. He said he hoped the alliance would help raise more awareness about the available resources on campus for students that provide an encouraging and safe space. 

“We want to extend our reach and find different issues and concerns students have and bring it up with our coalition to find solutions,” Figueroa said. “There’s a lack of publicity about the resources for students [and] we have an issue with a not-up-to-date map about the all-gender restrooms.”

In addition, Figueroa said he has plans to meet with ASI Chief Diversity Officer Maythe Alderete and commissioner Hayli Antoniewicz to work on the upcoming Womxn and Queer Market on Dec. 5. A meeting with Beach Pride Events to promote Queer Speed Dating and Drag Bingo is also in the works. 

The next ASI Senate meeting will be held Nov. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in USU 234.

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