What is inclusive language?
Inclusive language is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudice, stereotype or discriminatory views of particular people or groups. It is also language that doesn’t deliberately or inadvertently dismiss people from being seen as part of a group.
- Stereotyping means presuming one or two personal characteristics such as appearance, apparent intelligence, personality, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status or disability.
- Discrimination means treating people less favorably than others.
Why is inclusive language important?
Language is our main form of communication and it plays a powerful role both in contributing to and in eliminating discrimination. The use of inclusive language is an important way to reflect the diverse nature of our campus. A commitment to inclusive language is an important attribute of a modern, diverse and inclusive society.
For more information:
Bob Murphy Access Center
Student Success Center – 110
(562) 985 - 5401
Dream Success Center
Student Success Center – 290
(562) 985-5869
LGBTIQ Resource Center
Faculty Office 4 - 165
(562) 985 - 4585
Multicultural Center
Faculty Office 3 - 03
(562) 985 - 8150
Veterans Services
Brotman Hall – 270
(562) 985 - 5115
Women's & Gender Equity Center
Student Success Center - 240
(562) 985 - 8576