To welcome you to the new semester, Associated Students, Inc. is launching an entirely new website!
“It’s new and innovative,” said computer engineering major and ASI web developer Daniel Esquer, who worked on the development of the new website. “ASI’s mission is to ‘Keep Students First,’ so with that the new site emphasizes student involvement and ease of navigation. ASI is not just a corporation that provides services to students, it is a body of students – and the website reflects that.”
In contrast to the previous ASI website, the new site offers a fresh, bright layout and friendlier navigation. Rather than being text-heavy with filler material, the new website seeks to provide an engaging experience for students and an overall new image for ASI as a whole.
“It’s groundbreaking for ASI,” said graphic design major Sarah Beltran, who also worked on the layouts, style and graphics for the website. “It shows students what ASI is about, as the website was based primarily on what students wanted. It’s a new emphasis, and it’s distinguishing ASI as a company that puts students first.”
Lively new designs for pages like the Conference and Events Center, the Games Center and the Beachfront newsletter are particular features that the website developers are excited about.
“Building an entire website is something I would never have done if I was at a starting agency,” said Beltran. “In class, we’re taught to focus just on the design aspects. But with this, there’s a lot of shuffling around, talking to the web team, student executives, and administrators and making sure we’re keeping consistency.”
“It was my first time doing such a large amount of code for something that’s running,” said Esquer. “I’m definitely happy and satisfied with how it turned out.”
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