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Nikki Majidi

Nikki Majidi is a driven third-year undergraduate student majoring in Political Science with a minor in International Economics. She is determined to attend law school and after years of practice she strives to become a law professor. Determined to try new things, Majidi's involvement on campus began as a member of the speech team for Beach Forensics. She is also a founding member of the Iranian Student Association on campus and served as the secretary. Majidi is involved in Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed professional business fraternity on campus where she met lifelong friends.

Majidi is an advocate for women's rights, especially those in her home country of Iran. Majidi attended multiple women's rights marches including the “Women. Life. Freedom” movement. Additionally, she attended Nationals for her speech on the current Iranian Revolution and the liberation of Iranian women in 2023.

You can often find Majidi at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC) or on a run, as she loves to stay active. If she isn't working out, she's most likely trying a new recipe or watching a new movie or TV show. Majidi continues to grow as she embraces new challenges out of her comfort zone.

Majidi's catchphrase is “for the people,” which came to her while playing sports at the SRWC. She uses this to navigate her decisions and approach in her new role. She values authenticity, integrity and camaraderie. She plans to foster strong relationships, seek innovative solutions for campus issues and work with others to continue to advocate for the needs of students. Majidi is grateful to hold this position and is excited to make a positive impact at LBSU.