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The University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board Of Trustees (URECBOT)

The University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board Of Trustees (URECBOT) is responsible for the oversight of the University Student Union (USU) and Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC), as well as programs designed to benefit CSULB students. Some of the Board’s duties include approving and monitoring the annual budget of the USU, establishing fees for facility use and services, and approving policy for all phases of operation.

The URECBOT is comprised of five elected student-at-large positions, the ASI President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Executive Director and Associate Executive Director/USU and SRWC Director as well as senate, alumni, faculty and staff representatives.

URECBOT meets the 1st Friday of each month at 1 PM in the Dr. Stuart L. Farber Senate Chambers (USU-234). Or to submit a comment or question, use the form below.

View the URECBOT agenda and minutes.


Campus Relations Committee

The Campus Relations committee is responsible for assisting in the development and maintenance of a positive public image of the USU and SRWC by implementing campus outreach strategies to promote awareness and utilization of the USU and SRWC by faculty, staff and students, including student organizations and teams. The committee also reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of USU and SRWC communication and outreach efforts.

Chair: Newton Bao

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Facilities Committee

The Facilities committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the annual capital budget and rental fee structure. The committee monitors and makes recommendations regarding facility condition, capital improvements and future construction in the USU and SRWC, in addition to making recommendations on management’s policies for the allocation, leasing and assignment of space in both facilities. The Facilities committee also assists in the development and periodic revision of a USU Facility Master Plan.


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Services Committee

The Services committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the services provided in the USU and SRWC. The committee also reviews and makes recommendations on corporate policy in regard to USU and SRWC services and best practices.


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Program Evaluations Committee

The Program Evaluation committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of USU and SRWC programming. The committee also reviews and makes recommendations on corporate policy in regards to USU and SRWC programming and best practices.


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