Vice President

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Executive Vice President

Matt Melendrez

Matt Melendrez is a third-year undergraduate student majoring in Political Science. He is determined to pursue a career as an immigration attorney, driven by the experiences of his parents and siblings who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States, with a goal of providing essential guidance to those facing similar challenges.

Growing up Filipino-American, Melendrez was instilled with the core values of diligence, perseverance, and hard work, influenced significantly by his mother's career as a nurse and his father's career as a medical biller. These values drove him to become more involved with his community in many different ways. His journey began with music, where he dedicated nearly a decade to mastering the piano and six years to learning the saxophone. As Drum Major of his marching band, he honed crucial skills in discipline and leadership.

Following Melendrez's role as a student leader for music in his high school, when he got to LBSU, he became immediately involved in our Beach Community, joining organizations like the Pilipino American Coalition, where has was able to make new connections and learn about community issues. This motivated him to apply to become a Senator-at Large for the 2023-24 School Year. In this capacity, he served as the Senator for First Year Programs, collaborating with initiatives like Beach Team and BeachXP. Throughout his tenure, he prioritized transparency within the university, addressing inequities throughout our institutions, and increasing accessibility to university and ASI resources.

Today, Melendrez remains dedicated to advancing these priorities as he assumes the role of Executive Vice President.