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SB 493 and Sex Equity

It’s been quite the shark frenzy these past few weeks on TikTok! Many shark dancers at LBSU have shown off their dance s’gills in our #LBSUSharkChallenge. I’m positive that Elbee is impressed with all of the submissions that we’ve received! Now, it’s time to announce our three finalists for this fierce competition.

Everything            You Need To Know About Prop 16

What You Need to Know About Prop 16
What is Proposition 16? Proposition 16 is a measure that appears on the November 2020 ballot. Put on the ballot by the California State Legislature, Proposition 16 would repeal Proposition 209 (1996), allowing for race, ethnicity, sex, nationality and color to be factors in public employment, education and contracting decisions. Proposition 16 would not create racial quotas; the U.S. Supreme Court found racial quotas unconstitutional in the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case (1978).

Resources for the Black and Pan-African Student Community

Pan-African Student Cultural Resource Center
This resource center offers a safe space to support Black and African students, staff and faculty members. The Pan-African Student Cultural Resource Center aims to maintain and ensure support for the cultural growth of the Black and African community at the Beach.

Q&A with the Dream Success Center

This interview was held with Program Coordinator, Jessica Rios from the Dream Success Center (DSC). Rios offers insight on the importance of voting, issues impacting immigrant communities, and resources available to students.

Racial Literacy and Voting Equity

Racial issues have been woven into important elements of our lives, regardless of our consent or awareness.They’re in our government institutions, our educational infrastructures and our social constructions. Our nation’s history has seen the course of slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the civil rights movement and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). And yet, over 400 years later, we near another presidential election with bittersweet hope – this will be the year real change sets in.

Which ASI Activity should you attend image

Are you looking for to make new friends, play games or unwind? Perfect! You should attend one of ASI’s virtual events, odds are we’ve got just the thing for your interests.

SB 493 and Sex Equity


The Role of Students

In April, the Associated Students Lobby Corps had the opportunity to lobby alongside equal rights advocates and co-sponsors of SB 493 to a staffer of Assemblymember Robert Rivas asking for his support. The hard work of students, professors and activists across the state paid off as Governor Gavin Newsom finally approved the bill on September 29


Q&A with WGEC on Campus

As Election Day approaches, voter education is essential for civic engagement. This week, ASI is focusing on the importance of the feminist and LGBTQ+ movements and how they relate to the upcoming election.

resources for Women and LGBTQ+ Students

In honor of our gender and LGBTQ+ issues week, the Lobby Corps has compiled a list of resources and support services that CSULB offers for students.