As the Fourth of July approaches, the barrage of nightly fireworks around many of our neighborhoods only seems to get louder. If you're a pet owner, you might spend your nights worried about how they’ll react to the loud explosions, and the holiday might cause more anxiety than excitement. Here are a few quick tips to help keep your pets safe and calm amidst the chaos outside.

With a pervasive pandemic, intense social divison and an ongoing economic disaster, "change and turmoil" is an understatement. At times like these, the importance of building bridges cannot be understated. But with stress filling the air, how can we possibly make this happen? I spoke with Dr. Bongjoo Hwang, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at Long Beach State University for guidance.

Every day is a new opportunity to reach your full potential and start anew. And what better way to unlock your best self than with the You @ CSULB okta app! The program is catered specifically for you and your unique mental health and physical wellness needs.