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Respect Diversity Week

April 5-9




All Day


With growing division throughout our communities, the need for respect and cultural solidarity is at a high point. During Respect Diversity Week, you have the opportunity to hear from a wealth of leaders in our community on historical injustices, modern-day inequities and hands-on strategies to create a brighter, more respectful world for all of us.

Purpose & Goals for Respect Diversity Week

  • Challenging the notion of diversity
  • Recognizing systemic barriers for communities of color
  • Identifying the levels of privilege
  • Providing Strategies for Resilience

    • Equity & Diversity has collaborated with Campus Confidential Advocates, Graduate Students, local Domestic Violence and Trauma Centers, and University Police Department to create a highly interactive and engaging program for students and employees. The focus of this presentation is to instruct bystanders on how to use a trauma-informed approach, when helping students, employees, and friends who have experienced a Title IX incident. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from Discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities.

      Planning Organization: Office of Equity & Diversity

      Schedule: Monday 5, 11AM - 12PM       Tuesday 6, 2 - 3PM

      Meeting ID: 8484 2691 743

      Zoom Link

      Join staff and students from across campus in a community-led conversation on privilege. Through various experiential activities and guided discussions, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own identities, privilege, oppression, and broader, societal systems of power.

      Planning Organization: Student Life and Development and the Leadership Resource Center

      Schedule: Monday 5, 2 - 2:30PM

      Meeting ID: 868 7082 5730

      Zoom Link

      An inclusive space for Cal State Long Beach Students in support of sexual, gender, and romantic diversity. This is a drop-in support group for students who identify with the LGBTQIA+ and those looking for a space to explore their gender, sexual, or romantic identity.

      Planning Organization: Rainbow Café, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

      Schedule: Monday 5, 3:30 - 5PM

      Meeting ID: 968 9071 8629

      Zoom Link

      Join us for a wonderful discussion that will explore how humor may fit within a resiliency perspective, especially for organizers, through the experiences of an undocumented comedian and our guest speaker, Kat Evasco.

      Planning Organization: Dream Success Center and EOP

      Bio: Kat Evasco (she/her/hers) is a queer Pinay immigrant writer, comedian, and theater artist best known for her autobiographical one-woman show, Mommy Queerest, co-written with John Caldon. Kat has helped develop four full length solo shows including Prieto by Yosimar Reyes, Locus in Control by Jason Bayani, Irene Tu’s Rest In Peace Irene, and #Resist by Cesar Cadabes. She was recently awarded the Kenneth Rainin NEW Program Grant towards the world premiere for her new play Be Like Water produced by Brava Theater. Kat’s work has been featured on Vice, Shondaland, Bustle, The Advocate, Out Magazine, and NBC News Asian America. Kat is a 2018 Lambda Literary Fellow in playwriting and was published in the 2018 Emerge Anthology. She received her BA in Asian American Studies from San Francisco State University and she currently serves as the Sr. Program Director at the Center for Cultural Power.

      Schedule: Tuesday 6, 6 - 7:30PM

      Zoom Registration Link

      "Where are you from?" "You speak good English?" Microaggressions are subtle or indirect forms of racism that we as marginalized groups or ethnic minorities experience during our daily lives. Join us to learn new strategies on how to address these instances, navigate the spaces you are in, and further build resiliency.

      Hosted By: Joanna Limas, Jeremy Scruggs, & Jasper Chagolla, Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs

      Planning Organization: Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs

      Schedule: Wednesday 7, 2 - 3 PM

      Meeting ID: 8102 9797 674

      Zoom Link

      The Ban the Box (BTB) movement in higher education advocates for removing barriers for reentry and economic success. Seventy percent of colleges in the United States report asking applicants about criminal history on admissions applications. Importantly, two thirds of applicants that have a conviction history do not go on to finish college applications once they get to the criminal history questions. Dr. Vest will explore the direct correlation between career attainment and the level of education that someone earns, especially in a job market that continues to migrate away from low-skill jobs.

      Guest Speaker: Noel Vest Ph.D. Stanford University

      Planning Organization: LBSU Rising Scholars & Project Rebound

      Schedule: Thursday 8, 11:30 AM - 1PM

      Meeting ID: 873 6434 5301

      Zoom Link

      Join us for a Know Your Rights event to inform members of the general public and underrepresented communities of their rights and how to advocate for themselves when interacting with police. Through an attorney-led discussion, we intend to educate others on lowering their risks of being taken advantage of when in compromised interactions with police. Students will also have the ability to ask questions from the panelists regarding their legal rights.

      Planning Organization: ASI Student Government

      Schedule: Thursday 8, 4 - 5:30PM

      Meeting ID: 825 9205 7313

      Zoom Registration Link

      BMAC will be hosting our Ability Ally workshop where you will learn how to embrace diversity and include students with disabilities in your work. The workshop will cover inclusive practices, intersectionality and available resources. Please join us, with our special guest CAPS, and become part of the solution.

      Planning Organization: Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC)

      Schedule: Friday 9, 9 - 10:30AM

      Zoom Registration Link

      Respect Diversity Week is proud to present Virtual Queer Prom! Join us for an evening of fun, community, and interaction to the tunes of a live DJ Set. There’ll be dancing, conversation, and music all night long! You’ll also have the opportunity to sign up for some awesome activities as well as a chance to win some cool prizes!

      Planning Organization: ASI Beach Pride Events, Queers & Allies, and Delta Lambda Phi

      Schedule: Friday 9, 7 - 9PM

      The first 30 students to register will receive a ‘Prom Box,’ which includes, a rainbow disco light and a DIY prom sash kit!

      This event is open to current CSULB students only.

      Zoom Registration Link

Respect Diversity Week Poster
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