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Welcome Back from President Jara

As a student body in 2018, we experienced one of the most successful years in the history of Long Beach State. Students were able to enjoy the most attended Smorgasport ever, we had An Evening with Shiza Shahid, a beautiful art night with the Conscious Collection and so many more amazing events throughout the year. Check out our 2018 Year in Review here for a full recap of the events we enjoyed together.

In addition, we all contributed to our university’s ever-expanding identity and commitment to advocacy. This endeavor can be seen in the outstanding efforts of Sustain U which facilitates environmentally-friendly efforts on campus, the growing support for the ASI Beach Pantry which helps to provide for our food-insecure students, and countless undertakings from various members of the Beach community. We hope to build upon the progress we’ve made as we move into this second month of 2019, especially as we embark on tackling the major conversation about what our new mascot will be.

Moving forward, your student government aims to continue enhancing resources for students facing food insecurity and homelessness and cultivate a sustainable campus that is more accessible for students with different abilities. Please continue to keep in touch through social media @CSULBASIGOV or through our contact page at Your insights allows us to better advocate on your behalf, so please don’t hesitate to voice your opinion.

We look forward to hearing from you and working together to make this spring another successful semester! Go Beach!

Genesis Jara
ASI President/CEO
Long Beach State University