Published: Friday, 16 September 2022
Written by Gabi Biagetti, Communications Student Assistant
The “starving college student” era has been romanticized and accepted, but is it just a quirky phrase? Or is it a real, actionable issue that needs attention? ASI’s Beach Pantry—available to all Long Beach State students—tries to answer this question.

It’s hard to study if you don’t know where your next meal is coming from. That’s why the Beach Pantry provides free food to help make your human life, not just your student life, a little bit less stressful. To make sure that all LBSU students have access to the food they need, the pantry is participating in Long Beach Gives!
What is Long Beach Gives and why should you care? Long Beach Gives is a 24-hour donation event that supports over 200 Long Beach nonprofits. ASI’s Beach Pantry is participating because we believe helping others helps you too—especially when it's your neighbor or classmate.
So why not check out Long Beach Gives? Early giving opens Thursday, Sept. 15, and culminates in a 24-hour giving day, Thursday, Sept. 22! For more information, and / or to donate, visit the Long Beach Gives website!