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ASI BIG Event T-Pain

Interviewing T-Pain: The Deep Dive Behind ASI’s Big Event

Published: Friday, 7 July 2023

Written by Ciara Evans, Communications Student Assistant

The semester may be over, but the hype of Big Event continues! T-Pain, a highly prolific artist, has left an indelible mark on the music industry, redefining contemporary pop, hip-hop and R&B as we know them today. With a string of chart-topping hits, Grammy Awards, sold-out shows and an enormous following, T-Pain stands as one of the most successful and celebrated artists of our time. And on May 5, the electrifying presence of T-Pain graced the stage at the Walter Pyramid, delivering an unforgettable performance. In our exclusive interview with the artist, featuring questions sourced from our vibrant student media outlets such as the Daily 49er, 22 West Media, Dig Magazine, Dig En Español and ASI Comm, we delved into his experiences as a performer, the evolution of his sound and his diverse creative endeavors. Join us as we explore the highlights of our conversation with this iconic artist!

As the founder of Wiscansin University, what is it like to perform on a college campus in front of thousands of students?
“Honestly, I love it. College shows are some of my favorite shows because the students are just looking for a good time and so am I. So I feel that energy when I’m on stage.”
What was the inspiration behind your decision to engage your fans through Twitch and how has this platform allowed you to interact with them in new and exciting ways?
“You know what, I’ve been on Twitch since 2014. I love playing games and I would always be playing them alone in my hotel room after shows. In 2014 I heard about Twitch and decided to get on it just so I wasn’t sitting there by myself playing. The rest is history really. I love my Twitch family. My chat has actually helped me write songs. It’s cool as hell.”
Both you and your songs have become party anthems heard at clubs and events all around the world for the past decade. How would you describe how your sound has evolved since you started? What has influenced those changes? How do you think your music has contributed to the shift(s) in hip-hop over the years?
“My sound has definitely evolved since I first started. I think the biggest difference is I’m no longer chasing hits or trying to do what is ‘popular’. I just make music that I like and things that I’m into and whoever else is into that as well, that’s cool. I mean, just look at how many artists use autotune today. It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m grateful for the impact I’ve made.”
As one of the most well-known artists with a reputation for delivering dynamic and entertaining performances, what is your approach to preparing for and executing a show that leaves a lasting impression on your audience? How do you cultivate the mindset necessary to deliver a memorable performance every time? What’s your favorite song to perform?
“When it comes to delivering a lasting impression, I bring the energy, prepare meticulously, and connect with the audience. My mindset is one of passion, positivity, and gratitude. As for my favorite song to perform, it’s gotta be “Buy U a Drank.” That track creates and electric atmosphere every time. Short, sweet, and straight to the point.”
In addition to music, you’ve also dabbled in acting, hosting, streaming and other creative endeavors. How do you balance your various passions and what would you say motivates you to explore new areas of the entertainment industry? What’s a new project that you are excited to share with fans?
“Oh, you know I’m always staying busy and exploring new avenues in the entertainment industry! Balancing my various passions is all about time management and staying true to my creative instincts. I’m motivated to explore new areas because I love pushing boundaries and challenging myself. As for a new project, I’m excited to share that I’ve been working on a we series that combines comedy and music. It’s gonna be a wild ride, and I can’t wait for my fans to check it out! Stay tuned!”
It’s not often that we see artists or celebrities engage with their fans as frequently and genuinely as you do. Your strong presence on social media indicates that you recognize its significant impact. How do you think your distinct approach to social media sets you apart from your peers, and how does it enable you to better connect with your fans?
“Man, connecting with my fans is everything to me. Social media is a game-changer, and I fully embrace it. I think what sets me apart is my genuine and frequent engagement. I’m not just posting for the sake of it – I'm actively connecting with my fans, listening to them, and responding. It’s all about building a real connection and making them feel valued. Social media allows me to have a direct and personal relationships with my fans, and that’s a beautiful thing.”

As we reflect on T-Pain's electrifying performance at this year's Big Event, we can't help but feel the anticipation building for what's to come next year. The legacy of unforgettable performances continues, and we are thrilled to announce that preparations are already underway for an even more sensational event in the future. With the support of our campus community, we aim to bring you another extraordinary experience that will leave you breathless, inspired, and forever connected through the power of music. Stay tuned!