Dec. 8
SRWC Entry Plaza
2 to 5 p.m.
Come visit the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) for The Future U Winter Wonderland. Enjoy an afternoon filled with sledding, snow play, food, music and all your favorite winter snacks. Don't miss out on a henna tattoo artist, caricature artists, an airbrush artist, photo booth, eye-catching balloon creations and more!
The Future U Project is a year-long student involvement campaign to connect, engage and listen to what students need in a possible renovation and expansion of the USU. The USU is owned and operated by students and nothing happens in the facility without your input. Any renovation or expansion cannot and will not happen without your involvement. The Winter Wonderland is one of many chances you will have to let your voice be heard. This is your building, and your voice, and we want to hear it!
For more information about the project, visit