Elections for your next team of ASI officers is right around the corner, but right now is the filing period. If you are interested in running for office and making a difference on campus and beyond, file to run today on BeachSync.com or enter www.asicsulb.org/gov/file into your browser.
As you maneuver around the crowds of the first few weeks on campus, make sure to keep the pedestrian only zones safe by walking your bicycles, skateboards, scooters or any other coasting devices!
As you may know, officials from the Division of Student Affairs and Student Health Services have requested that the Student Fee Advisory Committee forward a proposal to President Conoley for her to consider an increase in the campus' Student Health Center Fee. This fee would help prevent the elimination or reduction of services at the health center while adding to its offerings in the areas of mental health services, wellness/health promotion and specialty clinics.
Are you facing problems with your landlord? Unsure about what your rights are when renting property? Well, ASI Judiciary - as a part of their Know Your Rights campaign - is presenting a renter’s rights workshop this month to help you get some of those questions answered!
Last week, ASI President Jose Salazar delivered his second State of the Associated Students address to the A.S. Senate. The bylaws of the Associated Students require that each student body president deliver a report to the student body on the state of the Associated Students, Inc. near the beginning of each semester of the normal academic year.