Last month I asked all students to stand with me and other student leaders in opposition to the proposed tuition increase being discussed by the CSU Board of Trustees (CSUBOT). Many students joined and shared their story about how it would impact them by filling out this form.

In a long-term effort to support our students and propel them to success, ASI is proud to announce the opening of the new ASI Beach Pantry! The new ASI-run food pantry will give students in need access to food. Accompanying the food pantry will be the Student Swap Shop, operated by Sustain U, aimed at providing students with the opportunity to swap unwanted or old school supplies, like books, notebooks and other items essential to education.

As the academic year comes to a close, many students are beginning their search for a summer job and/or internship. To help make the search a bit less daunting, ASI wanted to offer students some quick tips to help boost their chances. ASI Communications Assistant Daniel Sunkari sat down with Peggy Murphy, a program coordinator with the Career Development Center (CDC), to develop these five pieces of advice.